Pagina de Verificare a companiei / Company Verified Page
Coface Romania certifica faptul ca firma care detine acest site web satisface criteriile necesare pentru certificare. Certificatul este emis in baza unui raport de credit si a monitorizarii periodice a situatiei companiei realizate de Coface Romania prin departamentul de Evaluare Companii si Informatii de Afaceri.
Coface Romania certifies that the company owning this website, satisfies the criteria for certification. The certificate is issued on the basis of a credit report and regular monitoring of the company's situation from Coface Romania by its department of company assessment and business information.
Agricultorilor 16/E
Romania , Sangeorgiu De Mures, Mures

Informatii despre companie / Company Information
- Data infiintarii / Established:Dec. 24, 1991
- Reprezentant companie: / Accountable person:MOLNAR GABOR JOZSEF
- Numar de angajati / Employees:31
- Telefon / Telephone:0265-306 268
- Fax / Fax:0265-306 260
- E-mail / E-mail:office@electroterm.ro
- Numar de inregistrare la Registrul Comertului / Company ID:J26/2168/1991
- Cod Unic de Identificare / Cod fiscal / VAT ID:1196615
Certificat verificat / certificate verified (SafeSigned)
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Site-uri web ale companiei / Commercial websites
main website